Episode 1983

Is Joy a Choice or a Feeling?

Genuine joy in God is far deeper than a choice we make. Even so, our actions can help or hinder the spontaneous experience of joy.
Episode 1982

What Old Testament Promises Are for Me?

The Covenants
Can new-covenant Christians claim old-covenant promises? As long as we keep some key distinctions in mind, we not only can, but should.
Episode 1981

Evidence for the Cross and Resurrection

Evidence for the Faith
God has not left us without evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. But evidence alone will never open the eyes of the blind.
Episode 1980

Does God Love Us Simply for His Glory?

The Glory of God
God-centered theology can raise all kinds of questions about God’s love for us. Pastor John asks and answers nine of them.
Episode 1979

If Sin’s Penalty Is Eternal, Why Isn’t Jesus Still Suffering?

The Death of Christ
If the penalty for sin is eternal punishment, how could Jesus’s finite sufferings pay the price of our redemption?
Episode 1978

Six Reasons Jesus Left Earth After Easter

The Supremacy of Christ
Why did Jesus leave earth after his resurrection? Pastor John gives six reasons for Jesus’s ascension to the Father’s right hand.
Episode 1977

Even If Our Faith Is False, Aren’t Christians Happier People?

Heaven & Hell
If Christ has not been raised, Paul says, then Christians are “of all people most to be pitied.” But why should we be pitied when we live with such joy?
Episode 1976

What Does Piper Mean by ‘Satisfied’?

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” What does Pastor John mean when he talks about “satisfaction in God”?
Episode 1975

Christ, Our Sabbath Rest at Work

Work & Vocation
Christ is our rest on Monday as well as Sunday. But how do we experience the peaceful rest of Jesus in the midst of our labors?
Episode 1974

How Can I Become a Humbler Calvinist?

The doctrines of grace are designed to destroy human boasting. So, what can we do if we find our theology becoming a platform for pride?