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A Call for the Endurance of the Saints

by and

These powerful calls to godly perseverance from four admired Christians elevate the value and necessity of lifelong faithfulness in the lives of God’s people.

Many people seek to better their lives by leaving, changing, swapping, or modifying their commitments. But God’s word holds up a different path that, while difficult, leads to deep satisfaction and great reward: endurance.

Such long, steady, hold-the-course perseverance is especially needed within our vacillating generation. This thoughtful book thus not only elevates the virtue of godly endurance but bears witness to its power in the Christian life through the exhortations of John Piper, John MacArthur, Jerry Bridges, Randy Alcorn, and Helen Roseveare.

Stand will awaken and solidify rugged, Christ-exalting endurance in people who are weary in their faith journey or who simply long to remain firm to the end.